Browse Items (16 total)

Porta San Sebastiano

Porta San Sebastiano.jpg

Porta San Sebastiano, Mike Yardley, 2016

Saint Sebastian's gate, as approached from the Appian Way.

Aurelian Wall, Rome


Aurelian Wall, Rome, 2016

The largely intact remains of Honorius' early fifth-century enlargement of the Aurelian Wall.

Porta San Sebastiano, Rome


Porta San Sebastiano, Rome, 2016

The remains of the inner facade of Saint Sebastian's gate.

Theodosian Walls, Istanbul


Theodosian Walls, Istanbul, 2016

The Theodosian Walls are arguably the most defining monument of Late Antiquity. Begun, perhaps, as a response to Honorius' renovation of the Aurelian…

Post-Herulian Walls, Athens

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Post-Herulian Walls, Athens, 2017

Remains of the Post-Heulian Walls show that they were constructed with numerous architectural blocks, including column drums from the Stoa of Attalos,…

Post-Herulian Walls, Athens

Agora Walls-15.jpg

Post-Herulian Walls, Athens, 2017

Looking south to the Parthenon, from the Agora, which was largely destroyed in the Herulian sack of 267. The so-called Herulian walls, taking in a…

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Porta San Paolo (Porta Ostiense, Ostian Gate), Rome.


Porta San Paolo (Porta Ostiense, Ostian Gate), Rome., 2016

Standing near the Porta San Paolo is the Pyramid of Cestius, built around 12 BCE. It was incorporated into the Aurelian Wall, perhaps to reduce some…

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Aurelian Wall, Rome


Aurelian Wall, Rome, 2016

The Aurelian Wall at the Museo delle Mura (museum of the walls) which is housed in the first and second floors of the Porta San Sebastiano at the…

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Porta San Sebastiano, Rome


Porta San Sebastiano, Rome, 2016

Perhaps the best known of the Aurelian Wall gates, the Porta San Sebastiano is the largest and best preserved, and today houses the Museo delle Mura.…

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Porta del Popolo, Rome


Porta del Popolo, Rome, 2016

This is the baroque renovation of what was previously the Porta Flaminia because it was connected to the Via Flaminia

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