Browse Items (14 total)

Detail of Great Circus Mosaic, Piazza Armerina


Detail of Great Circus Mosaic, Piazza Armerina

This 4th century CE mosaic depicts a victorious charioteer and trumpeter. Located in the Villa Romana del Casale, it shows that the enchantment of…

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Obelisk of Theodosius Relief

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Obelisk of Theodosius Relief, 2016

The relief on the obelisk carved into the pedestal shows the Emperor Theodosius and his sons reigning over barbarians. Once again, reinforcing the…

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Obelisk of Theodosius

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Obelisk of Theodosius, 2016

This monument was erected in the hippodrome at Constantinople in 390CE. Originally, it was made for Thutmose III (1479-1425 BCE) of Egypt, but…

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Peripitus, Circus in Tyre, Lebanon

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Peripitus, Circus in Tyre, Lebanon, 2009

This circus, or hippodrome, in Tyre, Lebanon was built in the late second to early third century CE. It represents one of the best preserved examples…

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Marie-Lan Nguyen, Circus Race Marble Relief

Jean-Louis Lascoux, Pyramid in Vienne, France


Jean-Louis Lascoux, Pyramid in Vienne, France

This pyramid situated on top of an arch is the only remaining evidence for the circus that once existed in this French city. The pyramid adorned the…

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Jay, Tarragona Circus Ruins in Spain


Jay, Tarragona Circus Ruins in Spain, 15 November 2014

The circus in Tarragona in north-east Spain is an example of a circus residing in the heart of the city despite its large size. Today, its urban…

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Jan Hazevoet, Hippodrome at Leptis Magna


Jan Hazevoet, Hippodrome at Leptis Magna, 12 June 2009

This beautifully situated circus in Lybia was constructed during the middle part of the second century CE. Built near an amphitheatre, these two…

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Google Earth, Google Earth View of Tyre Hippodrome

DuiMDog, Circus in Gerasa, Jordan

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