Browse Items (34 total)

Boris Licina, Pula, Croatia Arena


Boris Licina, Pula, Croatia Arena, July 2006

Built between 27BCE and 68CE, this arena in Pula, Croatia, is one of the largest surviving Roman arenas. Although its conception is not Late Antique,…

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Jean-Louis Lascoux, Pyramid in Vienne, France


Jean-Louis Lascoux, Pyramid in Vienne, France

This pyramid situated on top of an arch is the only remaining evidence for the circus that once existed in this French city. The pyramid adorned the…

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Subterranean Passageway in Colosseum

Jay, Tarragona Circus Ruins in Spain


Jay, Tarragona Circus Ruins in Spain, 15 November 2014

The circus in Tarragona in north-east Spain is an example of a circus residing in the heart of the city despite its large size. Today, its urban…

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