Browse Items (14 total)

Detail of Great Circus Mosaic, Piazza Armerina


Detail of Great Circus Mosaic, Piazza Armerina

This 4th century CE mosaic depicts a victorious charioteer and trumpeter. Located in the Villa Romana del Casale, it shows that the enchantment of…

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Carole Radatto, Artist's Interpretation of Circus of Camulodunum, Colchester UK


Carole Radatto, Artist's Interpretation of Circus of Camulodunum, Colchester UK, 21 February 2015

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Jean-Louis Lascoux, Pyramid in Vienne, France


Jean-Louis Lascoux, Pyramid in Vienne, France

This pyramid situated on top of an arch is the only remaining evidence for the circus that once existed in this French city. The pyramid adorned the…

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DuiMDog, Circus in Gerasa, Jordan

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