Browse Items (34 total)

Diego Delso, Amphitheatre in Italica, Spain


Diego Delso, Amphitheatre in Italica, Spain, 6 December 2015

This amphitheatre near modern day Seville was built between 117-138CE and could hold up to 25,000 people. It is situated in Italica, the first Roman…

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DuiMDog, Circus in Gerasa, Jordan

Flapane, Amphitheatre at Pompeii


Flapane, Amphitheatre at Pompeii, 12 April 2012

Although not late antique Pompeii's amphitheater, built around 70-65BCE, is the earliest surviving example of such a structure.

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Google Earth, Google Earth View of Tyre Hippodrome

Jan Hazevoet, Hippodrome at Leptis Magna


Jan Hazevoet, Hippodrome at Leptis Magna, 12 June 2009

This beautifully situated circus in Lybia was constructed during the middle part of the second century CE. Built near an amphitheatre, these two…

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Jan Hazevoet, Amphitheatre at Lepcis Magna


Jan Hazevoet, Amphitheatre at Lepcis Magna, 12 June 2009

This amphitheatre located in Lepcis Magna in Western Lybia could hold about 16,000 people. Dedicated to Emperor Nero, the structure was completed in…

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Jay, Tarragona Circus Ruins in Spain


Jay, Tarragona Circus Ruins in Spain, 15 November 2014

The circus in Tarragona in north-east Spain is an example of a circus residing in the heart of the city despite its large size. Today, its urban…

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Jean-Louis Lascoux, Pyramid in Vienne, France


Jean-Louis Lascoux, Pyramid in Vienne, France

This pyramid situated on top of an arch is the only remaining evidence for the circus that once existed in this French city. The pyramid adorned the…

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Marie-Lan Nguyen, Circus Race Marble Relief

Mosborne01, Interior of Amphitheatre at Pompeii


Mosborne01, Interior of Amphitheatre at Pompeii, 8 March 2014

Built between 70-65BCE, the amphitheatre at Pompeii is not Late Antique, but the interior view shows that the basic architecture and layout of these…

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