Browse Items (19 total)

Patrizio Pensabene and Enrico Gallocchio, "Great Hunt" Mosaic Depiction of Owners of Villa

Owner as Animal Tamer.tiff

Patrizio Pensabene and Enrico Gallocchio, "Great Hunt" Mosaic Depiction of Owners of Villa, 2011

In a close-up of the "Great Hunt" mosaic, placed in the corridor between the rectangular peristyle and the basilica, one can see two men, probably the…

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Jebulon, A view of the Roman Forum.

Giovanni Battista Cipriani, An 18th or 19th century sketch of the Forum of Trajan.


Giovanni Battista Cipriani, An 18th or 19th century sketch of the Forum of Trajan., Wikimedia Commons, 18th-19th Century

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Patrizio Pensabene and Enrico Gallocchio, Close-Up of "Great Hunt" Mosaic Showing the Capture of A Tiger

Wild Animals.tiff

Patrizio Pensabene and Enrico Gallocchio, Close-Up of "Great Hunt" Mosaic Showing the Capture of A Tiger, 2011

Also in the "Great Hunt" mosaic, this close-up shows a very peculiar form of capturing Indian tigers for use in the games. The tiger, before capture,…

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Ggia, Detail of the Column of Marcian

ColumnofMarcian Base-Wikimedia.png

Ggia, Detail of the Column of Marcian, Wikimedia Commons, 2011

A close up view of the base of the Column of Marcian.

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Jan Hazevoet, Detail of the Forum of Trajan.


Jan Hazevoet, Detail of the Forum of Trajan., Wikimedia Commons, April 15 2007

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Patrizio Pensabene and Enrico Gallocchio, Exposed Canals Under Peristyle of Villa del Casale

Casale Pipes and Drains.tiff

Patrizio Pensabene and Enrico Gallocchio, Exposed Canals Under Peristyle of Villa del Casale, 2011

This photo was taken in the midst of the excavation of the central peristyle, uncovering the canal system needed to supply the courtyard's many…

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Patrizio Pensabene and Enrico Gallocchio, Female Athletic Competition Mosaic at Villa de Casale

Female Athletic Mosaic.tiff

Patrizio Pensabene and Enrico Gallocchio, Female Athletic Competition Mosaic at Villa de Casale, 2011

This mosaic, built over an older geometric mosaic, depicts a female athletic competition. This scene reflects on the villa's owner as sponsor of these…

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Amphipolis, Forum of Trajan

Patrizio Pensabene and Enrico Gallocchio, Hercules in Dionysian Garb in Triclinium of Villa del Casale

Dionysian Hercules.tiff

Patrizio Pensabene and Enrico Gallocchio, Hercules in Dionysian Garb in Triclinium of Villa del Casale, 2011

Seen on the wall of the triclinium, or dining area, beyond the oval peristyle, this mosaic depicted the "apotheosis of Hercules" unusually shown here…

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