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Focus on Fortifications.jpg



Rome that did not Fall.jpg



Archeology of Athens.jpg



Dey Aurelian Walls.jpg


Theodosian Walls, Istanbul


Theodosian Walls, Istanbul, 2016

Construction of the Theodosian Walls was instigated by Theodosius II's Praetorian Prefect of the East, Anthemius, in 413 and were made even more…

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Theodosian Walls, Istanbul


Theodosian Walls, Istanbul, 2016

The Theodosian Walls are arguably the most defining monument of Late Antiquity. Begun, perhaps, as a response to Honorius' renovation of the Aurelian…

Douglas Boin, The Late Roman Walls at Conímbriga, Portugal


Douglas Boin, The Late Roman Walls at Conímbriga, Portugal, 2019

Ancient Conímbriga, about 12 miles (approximately 20 kilometers outside Coimbra, Portugal) was a Roman town that flourished under the Flavians and…

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Post-Herulian Walls, Athens

Agora Walls-15.jpg

Post-Herulian Walls, Athens, 2017

Looking south to the Parthenon, from the Agora, which was largely destroyed in the Herulian sack of 267. The so-called Herulian walls, taking in a…

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Post-Herulian Walls, Athens

Agora Walls-10.jpg

Post-Herulian Walls, Athens, 2017

Remains of the Post-Heulian Walls show that they were constructed with numerous architectural blocks, including column drums from the Stoa of Attalos,…

Porta San Sebastiano, Rome


Porta San Sebastiano, Rome, 2016

Perhaps the best known of the Aurelian Wall gates, the Porta San Sebastiano is the largest and best preserved, and today houses the Museo delle Mura.…

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