





The world of urban entertainment


Judith Nelams

Collection Items

The late Roman amphitheater at Pollentia (Pollenzo), Italy, with a plan of the excavated town.
Remains of the late Roman amphitheater at Pollentia (Pollenzo), Italy, on the outskirts of the modern village, with reconstruction drawings and plans of the excavated town. The city witnessed a famous battle between the Goth Alaric and the Roman…

Theatre at Guelma in Algeria
This theatre in modern-day Algeria dates to the third century CE.

Relief of Poet & Comedy Masks
Different performances had various costumes and masks associated with them. This relief shows the comic masks.

Theatre in Bostra
This theatre in southern Syria was built during the second century CE.

Ruins from the Circus in Milan
While little remains today, the circus in Milan was an example of a circus existing outside the city center. Built up against the city wall, it still maintained continuity with the rest of the public space.
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